The Two Synod Solution

Proposed Amendments

A Two Synod Constitutional Structure in the PCUSA
The Future of PCUSA Evangelicals
The Future of PCUSA Evangelicals
2010 Overtures Addressing a Restructured PCUSA
Proposed Amendments to the Book of Order for Comment and Review
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Proposed Amendments
Enabling Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments
Miscellaneous Conforming Amendments

Proposed Amendments


G-11.0200      Each presbytery shall hold meetings at
Meetings        least six times each year.  The Moderator
                    shall call a special meeting at the request 
                    or with the concurrance, of three ministers 
                    and three elders being of different churches.  
                    Should the moderator be unable to act,
                    the stated clerk shall, under the same
                    conditions, issue the call.  If both 
                    moderator and stated clerk are unable 
                    to act, any four ministers and any four
                    elders, (the elders being of different 
                    churches), may call a special meeting.
                    The Primary Synod (Auburn or 
                    Westminster), with which the Presbytery
                    is aligned, or their Sub-Synod
                    may direct the Presbytery to convene
                    a special meeting for the transaction
                    of designated business.  Notice of a 
                    special meeting shall be sent not less
                    than ten days, prior to the special
                    meeting, to each minister and to
                    the session of every church in that

G-11.0202     A quorum of any Presbytery 
Quorum        shall be any nine ministers and nine 
                    elder members present, provided that 
                    at least nine churces are represented
                    by the elders.  The Presbytery may fix
                    its own quorum at any higher amount.

G-11-1203        Presbyters (ministers of the Word and
Corresponding   Sacrament or elders) in good
Members          standing in governing bodies 
                       bodies of the same Primary 
                       Synod (either Auburn or 
                       Westminster) within the PCUSA, or
                       Presbyters in good standing with
                       the other Primary Synod 
                       (Westminster or Auburn) within the
                       PCUSA, or ministers of the Word and 
                       Sacrament and elders in any other 
                       Christian Church who are present 
                       at any meeting of the Presbytery, 
                       may be invited to sit as corresponding  
                       members, with voice but without vote.  A 
                       Presbytery may invite ministers
                       of other Presbyteries who are
                       laboring within its bounds to sit 
                       as corresponding members with 
                       voice but without vote for the
                       period of their service, or such
                       other period as the Presbytery
                       deems appropriate. 
G-11.0301        In electing members to its council
Participation      and permanent committees, the
                       Presbytery shall adhere to the 
                       principle of participation and
                       representation required by
                       their Primary Synod 
                       (Auburn or Westminster)

G-11.0302          A Presbytery Region consists of
Cross-Over          the larger geographic Presbytery
Committees        in a region, which is either the
                         Westminster Primary Synod's
                         Presbytery or the Auburn
                         Primary Synod's Presbytery, and
                         all the Presbyteries of the other
                         Primary Synod (Auburn or 
                         Westminster) within the 
                         same geographic boundaries.  
                         In each Presbytery Region, at least 
                         65% of the Presbyters from each 
                         Presbytery within the Presbytery Region  
                         shall be assigned to a cross-over 
                         committee engaged in the larger work
                         of the PCUSA, in their Presbytery
                         Region.  The cross-over committees
                         shall be the following:
                          (1) The Presbytery Region Coordinating
                          (2) Evangelism and 
                                church outreach
                          (3) Regional healthcare
                          (4) The elderly
                          (5) Homeless families
                               and homeless women
                         These committees shall consist
                         of at least 65% of the Presbyters
                         drawn from both Primary Synods, in
                         each Presbytery Region.
                         They will meet at least
                         six times a year.  The cross
                         -over committees are designed,
                         in part, to promote unity and 
                         cooperation between the
                         two Primary Synods at 
                         the Presbytery level.
                         The actions of the cross-
                         over committees are not
                         binding on the individual
                         Presbyteries in the
                         Presbytery Region.
                         The Presbytery Region
                         Coordinating Council shall 
                         consist of all Moderators, Stated- 
                         Clerks, and Committee Chairpersons
                         within the Presbytery Region,
                         to facilitate effective dialogue
                         concerning issues affecting
                         the Presbyteries within the
                         the Presbytery Region.  
                         The Presbytery Region
                         Coordinating Council
                         shall determine the
                         dates and times that
                         all Cross-Over Committees
                         within the Presbytery Region
                         shall meet.  Any decision or action 
                         taken or made by a Cross-Over
                         Committee or the Presbytery
                         Region Coordinating Council
                         shall not be binding
                         on any Presbytery within
                         the Presbytery Region.

G-11.0303          Each Presbytery's committee
Committee         on Representation shall
on                     advise their respective 
Representation    Presbytery's nominating
                         committee of any need for 
                         nominations in paricular
                         catagories needing increased
                         representation and shall
                         regularly inform their respective
                         Presbytery, of its
                         progress toward fair
                         representation of the catagories
                         of persons listed by their
                         Primary Synod (either
                         Westminster or Auburn)
                         as being under represented.

G-11.0304          A presbytery may employ 
Staff                  administrative staff personnel
                         including an executive presbyter  
                         and other staff as needed.  For 
                         purposes of coordination, the 
                         presbytery shall consult, with their Primary
                         Synod (Auburn or Westminster)
                         and their Sub Synod,  
                         about their overall mission needs
                         of their respective Presbytery, as well as 
                         the need  for financial assistance
                         in maintaining presbytery staff
                         services.  In the employment
                         of all personnel, including
                         administrative staff, the Presbytery
                         shall, with their respective
                         Primary Synod (Westminster or
                         Auburn) and Sub-Synod, follow
                         their Primary Synod's (Auburn or
                         Westminster) policies on 
                         affirmative action and equal
                         employment opportunity.

Budget               Each Presbytery shall have a 
                         general mission budget to support the
                         church's mission and their Primary 
                         Synod's mission (Westminster or
                         Auburn) within its geographic area.
                         As the Presbytery raises and expends
                         these funds, the presbytery shall do so
                         in light of the priorities of its Primary
                         Synod (Auburn or Westminster).  The
                         Presbytery shall make its plans and
                         determine its general mission budget
                         after receiving recommendations from
                         their Sub-Synod in light of the
                         comprehensive strategy of their
                         Primary Synod (Auburn or
                         Westminster) and of the whole church.
                         Both Primary Synods (Westminster
                         or Auburn) shall send a summary
                         of these budget reports to the General

G-11.0306          Each Presbytery shall keep a full and 
Records              accurate record of its proceedings,               
                         which shall be submitted at least once
                         each year to their Sub-Synod and
                         their Primary Synod (Westminster or
                         Auburn) for its general review and
                         control.  The Presbytery shall report
                         to their Sub-Synod and their Primary Synod
                         (Auburn or Westminster), once each
                         year, the condition and progress of the
                         church, within its geographic area.  The 
                         record shall document all important changes
                         which have taken place including ordinations;
                         certifications of Christian educators;
                         the receiving, dismissing, and deaths
                         of ministers; and organizing, uniting,
                         dividing, or dissolving of churches.

Property of          Minutes and other official records of
Presbytery           the Presbytery are the property of
                         of the Presbytery.  The stated
                         clerk of the Presbytery is responsible
                         for their preservation.

G-11.0307          The Presbytery shall send to    
Annual Report     the Stated Clerk of their Primary
                         Synod (Westminster or Auburn) lists
                         of its ministers, Certified Christian
                         Educators, and churches and statistical
                         and other information according to the
                         requirements of their Primary Synod
                         (Auburn or Westminster).  This shall be
                         done once each year.

G-11.0308          The Presbytery shall have a full financial
Audit                  review of all books and records relating
                         to finances once a year by a public
                         accountant or public accounting firm
                         or a committee of church members
                         versed in accounting procedures.
                         Such auditors should not be related
                         to the treasurer (or treasurers). 
                         Terminology in this section is meant
                         to provide general guidance and is not 
                         intended to require or not require
                         specific audit procedures or practices
                         as understood within the professional
                         accounting community.

G-11.0309          The Presbytery shall obtain property 
Insurance           and liability insurance coverage to      
                         protect its facilities, programs, staff,
                         and elected and appointed officers.

G-11.0401          Every minister, shall align themselves 
Membership        with one of the two Primary Synods
of Ministers         (Auburn or Westminster), and shall
                         be a member of the Presbytery where his
                         or her work is situated.  A minister called
                         to work who is not under the jurisdiction of
                         the Presbytery may apply to the Presbytery
                         for reception to that Presbytery in which
                         he or she will  be a resident, or to
                         another Presbytery, within the same
                         Primary Synod, (Westminster or
                         Auburn).  The minister will retain membership
                         in the Presbytery where he or she was
                         formerly a member.  Each Presbytery may
                         grant a minister, aligned with the same
                         Primary Synod (Westminster or Auburn),
                         as the Presbytery, permission
                         to engage in work which is
                         outside its geographic bounds or which
                         is not under its jurisdiction.  No 
                         Presbytery shall permit a minister to engage
                         in work which is within the geographic
                         bounds of another Presbytery, which is  
                         properly within the responsibility of that  
                         other Presbytery, unless
                         that Presbytery consents.
                         Such permission and consent
                         shall be reviewed and renewed annually.
                         The Stated Clerk of the Presbytery shall
                         inform ministers who seek permission to
                         labor outside the bounds of their Presbytery
                         where they have their membership,
                         that they must first seek
                         the permission to labor within the bounds
                         of another Presbytery, that is aligned
                         with the same Primary Synod (Auburn
                         or Westminster) as the minister and their
                         home Presbytery, where they hold their
                         membership.  In January of each
                         year the Stated Clerk
                         of the Presbytery in which the ministers
                         are members shall correspond with those
                         other Presbyteries, aligned with 
                         their Primary Synod
                         (Westminster or Auburn), in which
                         the ministers labor, informing them of the 
                         ministers' addresses.  A minister
                         who is serving as a minister in a church 
                         outside the United States may, with the 
                         approval of their Presbytery and Primary
                         Synod (Auburn or Westminster), may accept 
                         ministerial membership in that church for 
                         the period of such such service.  This will
                         not affect his or her membership in their
                         home Presbytery.  A minister
                         of the Word and Sacrament who is
                         a member in good standing of their
                         Presbytery or a candidate who is
                         under care, can apply to transfer
                         their membership to the
                         Presbytery of the other Primary 
                         Synod (Westminster or Auburn)
                         within their Presbytery Region,
                         and they will be granted such transfer
                         upon approval by both Presbyteries
                         representing both Primary Synods 
                         within that Presbytery Region.

Authority to         The authority for granting permission
Labor                 to labor within or outside the bounds
                         of a Presbytery, may be delegated
                         by their Presbytery, to its council
                         or committee on ministry, with 
                         the provision that all such actions be
                         reported to the next stated meeting of
                         their Presbytery.

Minister Seeking
Membership        The Presbytery, through its appropriate
                         committee, shall examine each minister
                         or candidate who seeks membership
                         in the Presbytery, based upon his or her  
                         Christian faith and their views regarding 
                         theology, the Sacraments, and the government  
                         of this church, consistent with the standards
                         and guidelines of the Primary Synod
                         (Westminster or Auburn) with
                         which the Presbytery is aligned. 
                         Every minister seeking membership
                         in a Presbytery shall have a call to a
                         pastoral relationship
                         within that respective Presbytery
                         (either Auburn or Westminster)
                         or a call from a governing body
                         or agency of that Primary Synod
                         (Westminster or Auburn) with which
                         the Presbytery is aligned. 

Proposed Amendments