Proposed Amendments Presbyteries G-11.0407
(unchanged) Rolls
G-11-0408 A minister of the Word and Sacrament
Validated who is an active member of their Ministries Presbytery may
be engaged (1) in a validated
ministry within congregations of their Primary
Synod (Westminster or Auburn);
(2) in a validated ministry in other
service to their Primary Synod and
the greater church; (3) in a validated
ministry in service beyond the
jurisdiction of their Primary Synod
and the PCUSA; or may be (4)
homorably retired.
11.0409 An active member engaged in a Service in validated ministry with congregations Congregations
of their Primary Synod, (Auburn or of This Church Westminster), shall serve a
particular church or chuches
as pastor, co-pastor, designated
pastor, designated co-pastor,
designated associate pastor,
interim pastor, interim associate
pastor, or organizing pastor, as
provided by the guidelines and requirements
of their Primary Synod
(Westminster or Auburn)
11.0410 An active member engaged in a In
Other validated ministry in other service, Service of shall
serve as a staff member This Church of their respective Presbytery to
an organization related to their
Primary Synod (Westminster or
Auburn); or as a minister serviing
an organization sponsored by
two or more denominations
and sponsored by their Primary
Synod (Auburn or Westminster);
or in a specialized ministry; or for
an interdenominational agency
sponsored by their Primary Synod
(Westminster or Auburn)
as a partner in mission in
connection with a church outside
the United States of America.
Before entering upon such service,
the minister shall
request and obtain the
approval of their Primary
Synod (Auburn or Westminster). Changes
in terms of the call
or dissolution of the relationship
shall be reported to their Presbytery.
G-11.0411 An active member engaged in a In Service
validated ministry in service beyond Beyond the the jurisdiction of their Primary Synod Jurisdiction (Auburn
or Westminster) and the of the PCUSA, may be engaged in a Church
ministerial calling consonant with the
mission of their Primary Synod (Westminster
or Auburn) in an
organization, agency, or institution
in which the PCUSA has no official
participation, or they may serve
temporarily as pastor in some other
capacity in another denomination, and may,
with the approval of their Primary Synod
(Auburn or Westminster)
accept ministerial membership in a
church for the period of service
without forfeiting his or her membership within
their Primary Synod (Westminster
or Auburn) or in the PCUSA. Before
entering upon such service the minister
shall request permission of their
Primary Synod (Auburn or Westminster)
The Committee on Ministry of their
Primary Synod (Westminster or Auburn)
shall make a thorough
review of the proposed ministerial
function and report its recommendations
to their Primary Synod (Westminster or Auburn).
The committee shall determine
and report whether the service complies with
all of the criteria of their Primary
Synod (Auburn or Westminster). If
their Primary Synod (Westminster or
Auburn) grants their permission, such
permission shall be subject to review
and renewal annually.
G-11.0412 Honorably
(Unchanged) Retired
Presbytery Membership of (Unchanged) Honorably Retired Members
G-11.0413 Members-at- (Unchanged) Large and Inactive Members
G-11.0414 Release from the a. (Unchanged) Exercise of Ordained Office
Discontinuance of Functions b. (Unchanged)
Desire to be Restored c. (Unchanged)
G-11.0415 Minister to be a. (Unchanged) plased on Inactive
Within Other b. (Unchanged) Bounds
G-11.0416 Minister Joining When a minister of this church Another
continues or accepts membership Denomination of any character in another
denomination, except as provided
by the express policies and guidelines
of their Primary Synod
(Auburn or Westminster), the
presbytery shall record the fact,
delete the minister's names from
the roll, and take such other action
of an administrative character as
may be required by the Constitution.
5. Committee on Ministry
G-11.0501 a. Each presbytery shall
elect a Nature and committee on ministry to serve Membership as pastor and counselor to the ministers
and Certified Christian
Educators of their Presbytery, in
accordance with directives and guidelines
of their Primary Synod
(Auburn or Westminster), and to
facilitate the relations between
congregations, ministers, and
Certified Christian Educators within
their Presbytery in
accordance with guidance from
their Primary Synod (Westminster
or Auburn), and to settle differences
on behalf of the Presbytery when
possible and expedient.
Membership, b. This committee shall
consist of Terms and equal numbers of elders and Quorum ministers with a membership
at least six. Its quorum shall be
set by their Primary Synod (Auburn
or Westminster) and
shall be at least a majority of the
membership of the committee.
No member shall be elected for
a term of more than three years,
nor shall a member serve for
consecutive terms, either full or
partial, aggregating more than
six years. A member having
served a total of six years shall be
ineligible for reelection for
at least one year.
G-11.0502 The Committee
on Ministry shall Responsibilities serve their Presbytery and their Committee respective Primary Synod (Auburn or on Ministry
Wesminster), in the following ways:
a. It shall visit regularly and
consult with each minister of their
Presbytery. It shall report to the
Presbytery annually the type of
work in which each minister of
their Presbytery is engaged.
b. It shall make recommendations
to their respective Presbytery regarding
calls for the services of its ministers,
in accordance with the guidelines of
their respective Primary Synod
(Westminster or Auburn). Every call for
the services of a minister or
candidate in a pastoral relationship shall
be placed in the Committee's
hands, in compliance with their Primary
Synod's guidelines
(Auburn or Westminster). This shall be
presented by the Committee to their Presbytery along
with a report as
to the call being considered with
a recommendation as to whether the
particular call should be placed in the
hands of the minister or candidate.
Every request by a
minister or candidate for their Presbytery's
approval of a task
appropriate to their ministry,
though not a pastoral relaionship
to a particular church, shall be made
by the minister or candidate through
the committee and shall be reported
by it to their Presbytery with recommendation
for their
Presbytery's action in accordance
with guidelines from their Primary
Synod (Westminster or Auburn).
c. The Committee shall visit with each
session within their respective Presbytery
at least once every three years,
discussing with them the mission
and ministry of their Presbytery and Primary
Synod (Westminster or Auburn) encouraging
the full participation
of each session and congregation
in the life and work of their respective
Presbytery and Primary Synod
(Auburn or Westminster), and of the
larger church family.
d. The Committee shall counsel with
churches regarding calls for permanent pastoral
relations, visiting and
counseling with every committee elected
to nominate a pastor or associate
pastor, in accordance
with guidelines of their Primary Synod
(Westminster or Auburn) The
Committee shall advise the
congregation regarding the merits,
availability and suitabilitiy of any candidate
or minister whose name is contemplated
for nomination to the congregation,
in accordance to guidance from their
Primary Synod (Auburn or Westminster). The
Committee shall have the privilege
of suggesting names of candidates. No call
to a permanent pastoral relationship
shall be in order for consideration by their Presbytery
unless the church has
received and considered the committee's
counsel, in accordance with guidelines of
their Primary Synod
(Westminster or Auburn), before action
is taken to issue the call. A call to a
permanent pastoral relationship shall
not be issued until it has been approved
by their respective Presbyery, in accordance
with guidelines from their Primary Synod
(Auburn or Westminster). In the case
of a church receiving aid in supporting a
pastor, it shall confer with both the
church and that agency of that
Presbytery charged with arranging such aid
before it shall recommend to their Presbytery
that a call to such church be
placed in the hands of a minister.
This must be done in accordance with the
guidelines of their Primary Synod
(Westminster or Auburn).
The proper agency of their Presbytery shall
present to the committee a
statement of their Presbytery's
anticipated support of a pastor, which shall
be attached to the call of the church.
e. The
Committee shall counsel with churches
regarding the advisability of calling a designated
pastor. This shall be done in accordance
with guidelines of their Primary Synod, (Auburn
or Westminster).
f. The Committee shall counsel with sessions
regarding stated supplies, interim pastors, interim
co-pastors, interim associate pastors, and
temporary supplies available in their Primary
Synod (Westminster or Auburn).
When a church is without a pastor, it
shall provide a list of pastors, commissioned
lay pastors, and qualified lay persons who
have been trained and commissioned by
their respective Primary Synod (Auburn
or Westminster) to supply vacant pulpits.
Concurrance of their Presbytery through its
Committee on Ministry is required
when a session issues an invitation,
(temporary call), to an interim pastor, interim
co-pastor, or interim associate
pastor. The guidlines of their Primary
Synod, (Westminster or Auburn) must be
g. The Committee shall provide for the
implementation of equal opportunities for ministers
and candidates without regard to race, ethnic origin,
sex, age, marital status, or
disability, in accordance to guidelines from
their Primary Synod (Auburn or Westminster).
h. The Presbytery may grant the
committee authority to approve
calls to churches, to approve and
present calls for services
of ministers, to approve the examination
of ministers transferring from other
Presbyteries within their Primary Synod
(Auburn or Westminster), to dissolve
the pastoral relationship in cases where
the congregation and pastor concur, the
Committee can grant permission for pastors
to labor within or outside
the bounds of the Presbytery, and to
dismiss ministers to other Presbyteries within
the same Primary Synod
(Westminster of Auburn), or to
the other Primary Synod (Auburn
or Westminster) with the provision that
such actions be reported to the next
stated meeting of the Presbytery.
i. The Committee shall serve as an instrument
of their respective Presbytery for
promoting the peace and harmony
of the churches, especially in regard to
matters arising out of the relations
between ministers and churches. Its
purpose shall be to mediate differences
and reconcile persons, to the end that
the difficulties may be corrected by the
session of that church if possible, that
the welfare of the particular church may
be strengthened, that the unity of the body
of Christ may be made manifest.
j. The Committee shall exercise discretion
in determining when to take into account information
concerning difficulties within
a church, by proceeding with the
following steps:
(1) The Committee may take the initiative
to bring information, which has come to its
attention, to the session of
the appropriate church involved,
by counseling with the session as to the
appropriate actions to be taken to
correct the reported difficulties.
(2) The Committee may offer its help
as a mediator in the case where the session
either finds itself unable to settle the problems peaceably
or takes no steps toward
settlement. (3) The
Committee may act to correct the difficulties
if requested to do so by the parties
concerned, or where authority is
expressly granted by their respective
Presbytery and their Primary Synod
(Westminster or Auburn), for the
specific case or set of facts.
When so doing, the committee shall
always hold hearings which afford
procedural safeguards as in cases of
process, following the procedures
outlined in the Rules of Discipline.
The committee shall be open to Open
communication at all times with the Communication ministers, elders who are members
of the sessions within their Presbytery, as
well as Certified
Christian Educators within the
bounds of their Presbytery which
is aligned with the same
Primary Synod
(Auburn or Westminster)